Episode #4: How to Design Your Intentional Longevity The Jeff Withers' Way

Episode 4 March 11, 2025 00:41:04
Episode #4: How to Design Your Intentional Longevity The Jeff Withers' Way
Brand Alchemy Podcast
Episode #4: How to Design Your Intentional Longevity The Jeff Withers' Way

Mar 11 2025 | 00:41:04


Hosted By

Jared & Jarrod (J & J)

Show Notes

Wellbeing specialist Jeff Withers joins Jared and Jarrod to reveal the secrets of productive aging and intentional longevity.

Jeff challenges conventional thinking with his 'natal genius' concept and three types of flow that unlock sustainable vitality. He demonstrates how small, deliberate lifestyle choices create extraordinary life spans filled with purpose and energy.

The conversation explores Jeff's innovative approach to wellness programming, offering practical frameworks for anyone seeking to extend not just years of life, but quality of living.

This episode delivers transformative insights for designing your own longevity blueprint—because aging well isn't accidental, it's intentional.

Tiny choices, extended living.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:15] Speaker A: You're listening to the Brand Alchemy podcast with your hosts Jared Asher and Jared Brake, where we uncover the stories and truths of real entrepreneurs and their journeys of growth and brand transformation. For more information, go to www.timelesscreative.com.au/boardroom Welcome to the Brand Alchemy Podcast, everyone. Great to have you back. This is where we uncover the stories of entrepreneurs who transformed their vision into reality. It's awesome to be back here. And I am joined. I'm Jared Ashe Herring joined with the co host, my good friend Jared Brake. [00:00:52] Speaker B: Hey everyone, Jared here. Thanks again for joining us on the Brand Alchemy podcast. [00:00:57] Speaker A: Great. Great to have her. We've got a very special guest. We're going to introduce you shortly. But firstly, I want to share this with you the reason why we're here. Did you know that 90% of all brands sabotage their search visibility by not optimising their brand communication and their SEO online such as website? This means they're invisible and the competitors typically dominate market share. At Timeless, as our brand agency, we're here to change that. And Jared and I are brand marketing architects and we work with scaling brands to help create market share by working with them on their brand communication, their SEO and their ads. If this is something you'd like to fix, here's how we can help you. Each week we offer three businesses the opportunity to work with them, to unpack their business, put together a plan that helps them generate business, new and repeat customers, sales and market share. So if that's you and you're interested to get involved, all you got to do is click on the link which we'll give to you after www.thomascreative.com boardroom. That's www.timelesscreative.com boardroom. Okay, Jeff, really good to have you here. [00:02:11] Speaker C: Thank you, sir. Thank you. Great to be here too. [00:02:13] Speaker A: For the audiences that are listening, it's, it's really good. We had a really good conversation just, just a moment ago about, about your background, your history, what to. You're a wellness specialist from residing in Redland Bay in Brisbane. But you've got something unique. The TOA and I, I think this is where I'd like to hear more about that. Do you want to explain for the audience who's listening a bit about that uniqueness of that, that, that special gift that you've got there, Jeff? [00:02:44] Speaker C: Yeah, sure, I know it's a gift. I think it's just a, it's probably a matter of coincidence and, and organic movement if you like. Because long story cut short, as a psychologist Working away and doing behavior, engagement with people. But we realised that wasn't enough. And we realised, as in Maria, my partner, myself, realised there was more to things than just people's behaviour or their cognition. And so she started a lot of work on, we both did, on I Ching five element theory. She went into feng shui and all these various components. So we started realising in actual fact, to be truly well, to live long, what we call living, how well you live, how long you live comes back to not just, you know, what you eat or going to the gym. It's way more than that. It's. It's who you are as a person. It's how you approach your life yourself. It's how you relate with people. It's how you build a home around you for energy and flow, etc. Etc. And so the uniqueness, I suppose, for us is that we've been lucky enough to encompass all those areas into one place, which we call a success hub. Which means we say to you quite clearly, if you come to us with an issue, for example, you've got a relationship issue with the better half. Yes, we can help you with that. But if we don't look at all of your life, then chances are you'll get back. We started from. Because something else is going to be in there that's causing this impact, and it's causing you to perhaps go back to the problems you had before. So the idea is that we work with the whole person. Their mind, their body, their environment, their health, et cetera. Because if we don't work with the whole person, we're not doing the justice to that person that they deserve. So does that make sense or. [00:04:18] Speaker A: It does. It does. And we're talking this before, and you mentioned this now as well, Jeff, you're talking about the I Ching and I. I. Yeah, I. It's funny you say that, because I. I have a lot of strong interest in that area, and I've consulted the I Ching on several occasions in the past. Very, very fascinating topic. But I guess for the audience that are listening, do you want to maybe explain a bit more about that so they really get the. The nuts and bolts of that? [00:04:42] Speaker C: Yeah, that'd be an impossible task, wouldn't it? Because it takes years to understand it properly. But we were lucky because, I mean, I won't mention names because probably I shouldn't, I guess, just in case. But we were lucky enough to be introduced to someone who was interested in this and got us started. But. But what happened? We discovered that this I Ching is a body of work. And people get confused. I think it's some sort of mystical fortune telling or it's, you know, all these weird, wonderful things. In essence, it's the basics of what we might call five element theory. How does nature work? And if. And as the early Chinese discovered many thousands of years ago, if you understand the flow of nature and you apply it to human behaviour, you'll have the same outcome for that human behaviour. And so we found that fascinating, but we found too, that a lot of. Actually, almost every system that involves this or engages in this sort of stuff is westernised, which means, if you think about it based on four. And we found that they live out water as an element. And there are five elements, remember? So there's five elements, so there's five parts to a person. So that's your first problem. You know, you have to look at the whole person. And then we look at. With the I Ching, we went further and said, okay, what they call the four pillars of destiny. How do I apply those elements to the person and understand who they are? Basically from day one, okay, so what we've done is we've created what we call the natal genius, which is our way of examining a person from their date of birth, literally. And we can tell you exactly how you would act and behave and think in a situation where you weren't impacted by the world around you. Now, that's pretty powerful. Okay? So when you think of that and then you add it onto the fact, we then look at a subjective assessment, says, here you are now. People are amazed how different they've become in life, what they've forgotten, what they haven't achieved, or what they could have done or can do if they wanted to. So, you know, basically, the I Ching is the foundation of everything. Chinese medicine, tai chi, qigong, you name it. It's all contained, involved in that I Ching concept. So, you know, does that make sense or. [00:06:56] Speaker A: It does. It's fast. It's a very fascinating topic, you know, I know it is. It's very hard to summarize in words, isn't it? But you're right. It's for my research and the work that I've done with the I Ching in the past. It has somehow subjectively answered a lot of my own personal questions in business, personal life. And I can see, you know, how it can really help others. And listening to what you're saying, if it's the foundation of or one of the foundations of the work that you do with your clients. Do you want to elaborate on, on, I guess how this, this got all started. Like where did this all begin for you, Jeff? How did this happen in the work that you do? And I guess why? [00:07:40] Speaker C: Well, it's the thing. I mean I'm not allowed to mention names. I must, I better not mention names. But you know, like I said, we started by just being introduced to a, to a system which I found fascinating because there was a different way of looking at the world that I didn't actually know about. I was like every other psychologist or behavioral therapists, all these people that we have the same mindset, we go to the same textbooks to read. And here was a book that wasn't a book that said here's a way to look at life differently. So you know, the whole concept is, you know, you need to take stock of who you are. So we realized, like I said earlier, you know, to take stock of who you are is to know all of you. So it's, you know, like who you are as a person, who you are in your relationships, who you are in terms of how you treat your body and your mind, who you are in terms of the home you build around yourself, the business or the work you come into. All these things come into play. Now when you take the I Ching and Marie by about half does this more than I do. We go into, I think I mentioned the four pillars of destiny, which is a very high level of breakdown of the elements. And people use this in Singapore, for example, in businesses. They will have someone that gives them a 12 month projection of what could happen. Because it's not about fortune telling, it's about understanding the flow of the energies and energy is mapped forward and backwards. So when you know the energy of the, of the surrounding environment you're in and you know your own energy mix, you are in a better position to produce the right outcomes at the right times. [00:09:09] Speaker A: Fascinating stuff. Absolutely fascinating. Do you, I guess on a more of a personal level, if I can ask you on this question, how, how have you applied this work to you and your life and your wife's life, your family's life? [00:09:27] Speaker C: Well, we tried. I mean it's a cliche. You know, you live what you, what you teach. We just spend our days talking about it. We just because we find it fascinating. We don't have a day to go by, we're not going to sit down somewhere. It could be a glass of a cup of coffee in the morning, a glass of wine at night, doesn't matter which where we will talk about our thoughts about how can we Apply this better so people can find out about it. I don't believe in this concept of I have to live or have to experience. You know, like people say to me, oh, I went through a traumatic health issue, so now I'm a health coach. Well, lucky you. Good on you. In reality, it doesn't matter what your background is. It matters what your philosophy and your focus is and how you want to help other people achieve something. So, you know, it's more important to tune into their needs, not to reflect the fact that, oh, I had a problem, therefore I should tell you about it. [00:10:17] Speaker B: Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. And being in a business like this, where you're trying to, I guess, communicate from a business point of view, brand point of view, a concept which isn't, you know, something that you can easily communicate in a fast way. Have you come across struggles in business or what? Have you found the best way to be able to communicate this message to clients and people in the market? That's worked for you? [00:10:42] Speaker C: Yeah, I think it's a yes with a magic capital yes. The biggest problem is, I believe I call it deferred responsibility syndrome, which means that the general public, particularly in a country like Australia, are so conditioned to what they're supposed to think and do. When someone comes along and suggests something a bit different, we get whitewashed. We get questions like, oh, that's fantastic, but I'm okay, or I do what you do, which is not true either. So the biggest challenge, and I have to say this, sorry, from a marketing perspective, is we have yet to find somebody who can get the message. The message is that's their niche down, go right down low, pick the really smallest point. And I'm thinking, but the point is all these things interact. So can we turn the truck, the whole thing upside down so all these areas, instead of niching down, niche up. What would you get when you look after all these areas? Now that's confused every marketer we've talked to. [00:11:39] Speaker B: And I guess it all comes down to that impact that you, that you make on, on people's lives. Like, would you say there's, you know, some, some stories or, or messages which come to your mind about the impact in, in ways this has changed, you know, clients that you've worked with. [00:11:57] Speaker C: Well, yeah, I mean, I'm not going to say magic things like we say some of the relationship which we have. But anyway, I think it's more the impact is when people, I mean, it's almost like seeing them change and when they take the trouble to Assume it and to take it on board and think it through. There's a change in their attitude, there's a change in how they present themselves, there's a change in their belief. It could be something as simple as, for example, a really simple story. This is a silly story, but in a feng shui based story, a particular person who has complained she doesn't sleep well at night, couldn't sleep. And so this is so basic feng shui, it is like 101 Feng Shui, but it's so simple research. So what side bed you sleep on, whatever it was, can you see your ensuite? Yes. Is the door to your open at night? Yes. Can you see your toilet? Yes. Good. Close the door. And you know what she said? I've slept every night since. Wow. The thing is, in feng shui, for a lot of people that do feng shui, don't understand what it really means. Right. I'll be honest with that. Most people doing feng shui do what I would call feng shui decorating or an American version, which is really basic. So they would say that the toilet is an area of energy waste, therefore close to the. We can't see it, you won't think about it. I would suggest what we really showed that person was when they have an intention to achieve something and given the parameters to work in, they will achieve it. Right. And that's what feng shui and a lot of this work and even the iqing is about. It's about intention. When I have an intention, I align my energy with what's around me and I make it happen. [00:13:35] Speaker B: In some ways, putting people in environments which are conducive to their, to them being able to excel. [00:13:45] Speaker C: Well, the thing is, yeah, expose them to who they really are. Give a bit of a rocket, say, look, you know, this is who you could be, this is who you are. This is the person that you were born to be. Right? Because when you're born, now you know, Jared one, let's say Jared one, Jared two. If you've got, if you've got the understanding of each, well, you would realize, of course, no doubt, that the concept behind this is when you're at your moment of birth, you're bringing, going into the world, you are a cross mix of the energy that's around you at the time you're born plus some genetics. It's a combination of both, right? So you're a mixture of who you are coming from plus who you are. What are you around at the time being. So that's your Natal. But the moment you're born, you're now being influenced by, you know, the room around your parents and as it grows into siblings, etc. So a person can get totally lost. Even by the time they're a teenager, they're lost because they've been so busy trying to please everybody they think they have to please, including themselves, that they've gone on a path that they believe they're successful and happy in, when in fact it could be so far off Mark, to where there could be. If they knew exactly what they can do and can achieve effortlessly, there would be a difference to how they approach the world, Right? [00:14:56] Speaker A: Wow. [00:14:56] Speaker C: And we call it, you know, you've heard of flow. Everybody talks about flow, don't they? In fact, there are three types of flow, right? In the first instance, you have natural flow, which is if you can live in a world where your natural self could exist, you would have an effortless life. But you will meet roadblocks. You always do. So when we understand ourselves, we can then know when we need to bring into play a certain behavior or characteristics to overcome that obstacle, right? That's manufactured flow. So here we are. Normally we've got a problem. See, most people will just collapse. I've got a problem. I can't do it. I'm stressed, I'm tired. But someone who understands their genius, which we haven't talked about, but they're genius, they'll say, oops, I got a problem. I know these elements inside me. I know what I can do. I'll take a piece of you and add that now, and I can go back to work. I can make it happen for me when you can do that as a matter of course. And Marie's the best example I've seen of anyone doing that. She does it quite effortlessly. You create what we call a sustainable flow. All right? Now, sustainable play means that you can do what you want in a comfortable environment for as long as you choose to do, because you know how to readjust the wheels of the rudder if it goes offline, right? But you can't do it if you don't know your genius. [00:16:12] Speaker A: It's fascinating. And so when you're talking about the. The idea of genius, do you. Can you share with your understanding of what genius means to you and how it applies to everyone listening? [00:16:25] Speaker C: Yeah. Well, I got this concept in my head very strongly, which is Albert Einstein's concept at the beginning that everybody's a genius. And we've seen this before. It's not a news comment. We had the idea that, for example, if you tell a fish you can fly, it'll spend its whole life thinking is stupid because it can't. And so it's just flopping about thinking, why can't I fly like a bird? Because you're not a bird. Who are you? You're a fish. Act like a fish, be a fish. So in other words, you've got a genius. Your genius is who you are. It's all your strengths, your weaknesses, your gifts, your challeng, your talents, your mindset, what you've experienced in life. That's your genius. So therefore, when someone says, I couldn't be a doctor, I'm not smart enough, well, that wasn't where you're supposed to be. Where should you be instead? You know? So to my mind, the genius is not like you. It's not an IQ test. It simply means you were born with and you've developed a suite of characteristics that makes you who you are. If you choose to make use of that in a positive way, you will have success in life, whatever that looks like for you. If you choose to buck the system and keep on trying to do what you think you have to do, you'll always have something happening in your world that's going to stop you. [00:17:38] Speaker A: Fantastic. Very, very interesting topic and it's aligned to the Taoist philosophy I'm hearing heavily. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:17:49] Speaker C: I can't regret one of our hugest mentor. And I will mention his name. [00:17:53] Speaker A: Of course you can. [00:17:54] Speaker C: Yeah. Because I'm so. This guy's amazing. This guy's name is called Roger Green. He started life in Wellington, New Zealand, but that's okay. He moved. But he's one of his. Sorry, I shouldn't have said that, Roger. Sorry. [00:18:08] Speaker A: It's all right. We're all, we're all friends here. [00:18:11] Speaker C: But he went at a young age. I mean, like most people, I mean, he's in his probably 60s now, but he apparently, you know, did all the things that they did in those days in terms of, you know, paying up and carrying on. But he ended up in America and in England, both places. And he realized that he needed to do something, so he started learning. Now here's a guy, when he was still a teenager, had started to understand and can interpret the I Ching as a teenager. Wow. At the moment, he's the only person I've ever met that can sit down and tell you the construction of every one of those hexagrams, what goes with what moves next one, what that means, et cetera, et cetera. It's incredible. But he went on, he did all that. Then he developed, obviously not an obvious, but he developed a school of function of New York School of Feng Shui. And he taught, he was teaching masters in, in European countries before COVID He would teach masters in conferences about what he was doing. He created the Southern hemisphere, what we call it curriculum, because ordinary feng shui people thought that feng shui was feng shui. But it's different, Northern hemisphere to southern hemisphere. The energies are different, different timings. So he created that. He went on to Chinese medicine and to other things. He went on now to doing a lot of breaking science research into longevity. But if you met him, you wouldn't even notice he was there. He's the most humble, down to earth person who is keen to understand you and talk to you. But the guy is a genius. He's a true genius. [00:19:33] Speaker A: Wow. [00:19:34] Speaker C: That's. He's a mentor of peer and sepal, you know, wow. [00:19:38] Speaker A: So. So you mentioned in a previous conversation before we press record on the button, you're talking about this idea of. And this is where you specialize in, right? In intentional longevity and productive aging. So can you, can you explain what that means? Because I'm very interested to hear what that means. [00:19:55] Speaker C: Well, actually the formula you bought me, so the formula that I created is quite a lengthy one, but bottom line is it's a lifestyle formula and it says I can break into groups of people. You've got the people, say pre-40s, right. Who have. And then the younger the better, have the ability and the potential to prevent things that stop them living a long life. So for example, longevity for them is what should I be doing, what activities should I be doing or not doing, what foods should I be eating, not eating, what way should I treat my relationships? So they're a preventative approach. So for them, longevity is about setting up the parameters that allows them to live long and well. Wow. [00:20:35] Speaker A: Wow. [00:20:36] Speaker C: Yeah. Productive aging comes in when you get older than that. There's neoliberal theory, there's a lot of search over there to make it clear. We do old and new, east and West. We don't highlight one or the other. We pick the best point in the middle, like the old fashioned Venn diagram, what's in the middle of each of those things. So when you look at groundbreaking research, there's a lot of work on this about productive aging. And it's saying actually that people in their 50s, 60s and 70s are the most living the most productive times of their life if they choose to. [00:21:02] Speaker A: That's amazing. [00:21:03] Speaker C: But they don't know it because most of us, oh God, I'm going to retire. What will I do with my life? Oh, my life is over all this sort of rubbish. In actual fact, you can be miles more productive in your 60s than you ever were in your 40s. So for me, therefore, the second half longevity is that age bracket that says, first of all, understand that you can be productive. Getting old is not a death sentence. It's actually a release sentence. Allows you to be. Exactly. He always tries to be and have fun and enjoy yourself. So when people that age understand that productive aging means to have vitality, it means to be fulfilled, it means to be connected. It needs to be always discovering new things and moving forward. Right then, even though you've come from a life where you've abused your body, etc, etc, you can still turn it around. [00:21:49] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, sorry, Jeff, you keep coming, so. [00:21:52] Speaker C: Yeah, sorry. Yeah, so you can turn around now. At end of formula, there are what I call this a seven factor blueprint, which are seven clear areas that you must address in your life and most of us don't. So it's not just, I want to do the things you have to do, but when you understand that formula and you understand what's given to you, what you have to do and what you can achieve, a smart person said, oh, I didn't have to go to a doctor anymore except for emergencies. I know what I need to do now because I've understood it and I've embodied it and I can do it if I need to go to a doctor or to a therapist, whatever it might be, because something serious, I know the right one to go to, I know the right questions to ask. I know what I can expect to get back, and I know what to do about it, which is to the average person today says, oh, give me a pill, I'll be fine. [00:22:43] Speaker A: Amazing. [00:22:43] Speaker C: Yep. [00:22:44] Speaker A: I really like the, the concept. I mean, the intentional longevity is fascinating. Pre-40s and the idea of productive aging for people that are moving into that sort of past middle age period. Well, you're right. I could, I could assume I'm. I'm not in that age bracket myself yet, but I could imagine that we would. That would be that mindset of people that are starting to age and start to see life as well life's coming short now and, and there's not too much else. What am I going to do? So they have all these questions in their mind. I find this topic very fascinating on a basis that. On the basis that you know what you're teaching and what your, what your, your work is about is helping people understand who they are so they can become or reinvigorate that productivity as they're aging. So it's giving them a new sense of life and purpose. I think it's very valuable. And I could see a lot of people in that age bracket would benefit a lot from having that mindset because, you know, my, my father passed away last year and to be fair, he's his. He was very much in that mindset of, oh, life's, you know, life's coming up and it's, it's, it's doom and gloom, so to speak. I've got no purpose and all that sort of stuff. And which is sad, but I could imagine there'd be so many people in that age bracket that that would be thinking like that because society has been. Is pro. Programmed us to some degree. That's how you should think so. Well, that's how you should live where. Yeah, I just, I, I really want to say that it's quite a fascinating topic here, Jeff. [00:24:18] Speaker C: It's fascinating, but you suppose many people run away from it because again, as you say, the conditioning that's been going on. And the funny thing is, I'll go back to this marketing concept and this is the biggest problem we face if we talk face to face with a person just in conversation. It only happened a couple days ago. She was all over it. She was so excited. But the same conversation with the marketer, and we've had three or four we've talked to in the last 12 months, all said, oh, no, no one even said, nobody understands what longevity means. You can't use that word, et cetera, et cetera. And yet this person who is in her probably, I'm guessing late 20s to early mid 30s. I'm not sure. I didn't ask her. Well, who wouldn't know about longevity? We heard about it growing up. We know it exists. That's all what life's about. So, you know, so part of it is, and this is the problem we've got. It's not so much to what we do does or doesn't work. It's having the opportunity to make it work for people because of the education they have to have first to open themselves up to the possibility that life isn't a stuck wheel where they can't do anything about it. [00:25:19] Speaker A: Yeah, and you're absolutely right. I mean, like both Jared and I, you know, that's what we do. We're marketers by trade, and so we can Understand what you're saying. There would be a lot of people that are in the marketing industry that would be trying to look at the keywords and trying to understand how they can use those certain keywords in order to position what you and your wife do in a way that's sellable. I can, I can appreciate that. However, you know, based on what I'm hearing, you know, there is a lot to leverage and position and communicate in what you do and how what you do is valuable, taking. Putting aside those keywords, because at the end of the day, keywords are important, but it's really getting to the nuts and bolts of how you, what problems you're solving and how you're creating an impact on your audience is really the selling proposition here. So it's a matter of knowing how to define that and communicate that, share that story and message to the people that know and need it, or know and believe they need it. And I think that's, that's, that's really what it comes down to from a marketing standpoint. But what's, what's your take on that, Jared? [00:26:32] Speaker B: Yeah, there's definitely different ways to, to look at it and communicate. That's, I think, probably going back to the, you know, the impact which you deliver and, you know, being able to expose that and let people feel that in your marketing, it can be really powerful. Emotional messaging from the impact that you deliver can be very powerful in a message delivered to a market. [00:26:57] Speaker A: Yeah. And especially when it comes down to, you know, talking about some of those specific case studies that you've got. Like, you would have no doubt in the work that you've done over the many years you've done it. You know, you would have a certain level or you would have a certain number of specific case studies that you can draw upon as to say, well, look, this is what, this is what the work you've done is created for this particular person and, and then knowing how to communicate that and share that message so people can, people can appreciate that. [00:27:31] Speaker C: Well, that has happened, I must admit. But I, I think too just comes back to. I was going to say just the attitude of people. I had something in my head. You made a good point. It's gone out of my head, but never mind. That's my head for you. But the thing is, if people don't get out of their own road and Mark will support this and learn something, they never change. Now people say to me, oh, you know, like, where'd you get that from? Or who's. Where could be used in other words, who are you? Right? So instead of saying, if I was a big, well known, famous name right now, that's, oh, wow, I like your idea. I should write, can I read your book? But they say, who are you? I don't know you, therefore you don't know any more than I know. Therefore I'll dismiss you. And we get that a lot because we're an unknown quantity and no one knows anything. Yes, we use I Ching and feng shui and Chinese medicine and psychology. We use all of that. But I'm a person who writes material from scratch. I like to look at what's out there, say, here's what you need to know. That adds to the mix of what's out there already. I don't want to repeat what everyone has done. I want to add to what they said. And that's caused me so much grief in business and professional circles, because what would. Who are you to say that? You're not the right person to say that. Where's your background? Where's your pedigree? So before you can even get the message out, you've got that first wall to break down is to accept that we do know something. I mean, it's taking a long while to get here. It didn't happen overnight, you know. And the second wall is, therefore they have to make some effort too. So it's a long road. It is. [00:29:11] Speaker A: And you're right, Jeff. Business is a long road. Entrepreneurship is a long road. And that's the journey, isn't it? Unfortunately. Well, fortunately and unfortunately, depending which way you want to look at it. But I also say that, you know, I think everyone. And going back to your idea of genius, and I fully believe in this too, everyone has their own genius. And in business, it's about knowing how to position that genius and create a. A unique selling proposition or a market. In terms USP against what you do is different to what another expert in a similar, similar fashion, what they do. And it's knowing that the stories that you've got, whatever that story is, how it's impacted your journey as a, As a professional or a human being. It's knowing how to def. Condense that story into a message that people can relate to. So I always find for myself personally, whenever I find, whenever I. And this is another reason why we're running these podcasts too, Jeff. Another thing we, we always find is when you're sharing stories, sharing personal concepts of why you're doing what you're doing, people can resonate that because they start seeing well, hey, well, that's me too. And I, I, I, I've been there, I've done that. So they start to create this internal unconscious relationship between what you're saying as an expert or a genius and correlating that to themselves. And I think that is, that always works in, in the business world. And I personally found that and Jared's personally found that in the work that we do running our own consultancy. And this is another reason why we're running this podcast, is to unpack and, and define what people like yourself, Jeff, what is that uniqueness? And hopefully through that, that idea of us communicating, like, right now, people like the audience can start to identify their own journey with what you're talking about and the work that you do. So it's a matter of, I guess, just unpacking that and condensing that message and story that's relatable. And I personally think that is half the part of marketing, really. [00:31:28] Speaker C: I think it's a huge part of marketing. And to me, it's also breaking down the barriers in the marketing that says, you know, the Western way is a curative way. You go when you've got a symptom or a problem that's identifiable and I can fix, you know, so therefore I'm not broken, says the person, my life is cool, I'm having a good time. I don't need your help. But it doesn't excuse the fact that they could do so much better if they open themselves up to possibilities. So that person never gets involved. And that's the market for us is, you know, I'd rather, personally, I'd rather work with someone who is doing okay, but they want to do better, as opposed to person who says, I'm broke and let's go back to, you know, behavioral therapy and psych, etc. You're dealing with broken people and trying to fix them. That's not a nice. I didn't like that. That was a terrible life. Right. I'd rather work with people who have an attitude that says, I know I've got something to achieve. I can now have something I have to fix. I know I've got to do it and I want to do it. I'm going to do it now. Right. They're the people who are going to move forward. They're the people who are going to become success stories because they've made that effort. [00:32:29] Speaker A: So let me ask you a question, a direct question for everyone that's listening right now. Jeff, can you tell us one specific person that you've worked with that. It's like, that was incredible. They've come to you, They've worked with you, you. You and your wife. Marie, isn't it your wife's name? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And. And they've come back to you after a period of time, after the work that you've done with them and now are like, that is unbelievable. Thank you so much. You've transformed this area of my life and so on and so forth. Can you share a bit about that? [00:32:58] Speaker C: I could share stories because I share one which is a bit different to what you asked, and that's about Maria. Self Mummy. [00:33:04] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [00:33:05] Speaker C: But she is my greatest success story. [00:33:08] Speaker A: Okay. [00:33:09] Speaker C: And that sounds like a big egotistical. But what I mean is she's an amazing person. She's very talented and all the rest of it. But she grew up in a. She's an Italian background. She grew up in an environment where they go to work, they don't succeed at school. They do. Okay. They're like an ordinary person. And long as we got together, wherever it happened, doesn't matter. But she, you know, I would say to her, think of this or try that, and she would take it on board. Now, I've done what I've done over years. She's done what she's achieved in such a small time by comparison, because she saw there was something she could achieve. She's the example of the person that I loved working with. She said, I don't want to be like my other family members. They're not going anywhere. I want to do something. I want to be good at something. I have this interest. So she's the one that researched to find Roger Green for feng shui. She's the one that found Rogers for Chinese medicine. She's the one that did Sacred geometry. She's the one that did, you know, pillars of destiny, etc. I didn't. She did. And because I would say to her, just, if you want to do it, you do it. What do you want to achieve now? You know, there's a person, I mean, I'm personally involved with, obviously, but there's a person that says, here I am. I got what I got. I don't want that. I want more. I can do better. I can. I can be better. I can have a better life. I need to grow. Okay? Now, her family members are still where they were before. They haven't changed their attitudes, their beliefs. Their. Their limiting beliefs, particularly are the same. They haven't moved. They don't understand her anymore. They have trouble Understanding and talking to her because they don't get where she's coming from, because she's moved away and above, beyond them. So that, to me, is not a client that we look for. Someone who has got that mindset that says, I know I can do something. I don't know how to do it yet, but I know I can do it if I can find the right means. Keeping in mind you can't do what you can't do. She was never going to be a university student and she'd admit it. She hasn't got that capacity. Doesn't matter, because she didn't need it, because she found her pathway and she explored her own personal pathway and that's why it works. Everyone has to find their pathway. What works for them? Right now I've got like seven. Like, you might have several lines of qualifications that don't mean diddly squat. What happens is, what am I as a person? What am I doing? What's she doing? And all the people we work with, invariably the same mindset. They've come to us because they wanted to do something that they weren't doing before. Right. When someone's come along with an issue, they're the hardest ones to ever change because they're so caught in their little world of us is not working. I'm terrible. It doesn't work. I hate this. People like that, they're stuck and they're the hardest to move. People that want to do something and do better are the ones who are keen to make it happen. They're a gem to work with and they're everywhere. Except they're told by society that they don't. They're told by society that that's what life is, therefore that's what they have to put up with. [00:36:05] Speaker A: I love it, mate. I love it. Well, thank you for sharing that story. And yes, obviously a testament to the work you've done and how. How you've helped and supported Marie. [00:36:16] Speaker C: She teaches me now. [00:36:17] Speaker A: It's easy. I think the women always do, don't they? [00:36:21] Speaker C: Yeah, pretty much, yeah. You got it. [00:36:23] Speaker A: Although they would like to say that. [00:36:27] Speaker C: Well, if I said if I didn't say it, she'd say it for me. But now she's good. [00:36:30] Speaker A: That's amazing. That's amazing. Right, well, look, we're. We're running short on time now, Jeff, so I just wanted to obviously thank you for, for being here today. It's been a really, really interesting and insightful learning for myself and I'm sure for you too, Jared. It's Been really good. But we just want to say thank you, Jeff, for, for, for your time and energy today. [00:36:55] Speaker C: It's a pleasure. I love it. I mean, you know, if you, if you know me, you know that I could talk this way all day because I love it. This is, this is not a living breathe. It's good fun. [00:37:02] Speaker A: This is, this is your genius, Jeff. [00:37:05] Speaker C: You know what? It is. And I didn't know that two or three years back, but I know it now, so. Yeah. [00:37:09] Speaker A: Well, on that note, to wrap it up here, is there anything you want to share with the audience? Is there one thing that you can say to them that can help them in their journey? The listeners that are. That are probably tuning in and thinking, well, yeah, this is resonating with me. What's one thing you can say to them that can help them right now? [00:37:27] Speaker C: Well, I'd use a phrase called the intention principle that we wrote. Have intention. Right. Don't have a goal. That's only part of it. Have an intention. And stop waiting for inverted commas, the universe to do it for you, because there's no such thing. It's the other way around. You have an intention to do something, you make the effort to do it. You will find the pathway. All the stuff we do simply helps you identify the pathway. It was always your pathway. But you have to have that intention to do so. That's key to everything. [00:37:56] Speaker A: I love that, absolutely love that. Because there's a whole idea of goal setting and all that stuff, which is great, and I'm sure it does add a lot of value to a lot of people. But the intention is, Is really the key, isn't it? As you said? [00:38:08] Speaker C: Yes. And there are nine steps of which goals adult said is only one. There are nine steps to create intention. Wow. [00:38:15] Speaker A: Well, on that note, where can the listeners, the audience, where can they hear more about you? How can they discover to work with you? Because I'm sure there's a lot of people are resonating with what you're saying. How can they get in touch with you, Jeff? [00:38:29] Speaker C: Well, I mean, we're all over Facebook, apparently, which is cool, and LinkedIn as all of us are. We have a new website coming in the next few weeks which hopefully will give people more information. We've also got a YouTube channel which we haven't done on lately, but there's about 40, 50 little videos in there that people can have a watch in and listen as well. We are always, always, always open to chatting with people who want to chat. Simple as that. So the best way is to, you know, obviously through at the moment, Facebook, etc. Direct contact and we get in touch with people from there. [00:39:01] Speaker A: Right, we'll, we'll. We'll get that link from you and we'll share that with the people. But, but yeah, you've heard it. Guys, thank you so much for, for, for tuning in today. It's been a valuable lesson for all of us, I'm sure. And if you want to hear more about Jeff and Marie and the work that they do and you want to discover how they can personally help you and your journey, you can check in with Jeff's profile on Facebook. Jeff, just. Just so it's clear. Is it. Do you have the URL there for everyone? [00:39:36] Speaker C: Oh, goodness, they've caught me off guard. [00:39:38] Speaker A: That's all right. [00:39:39] Speaker C: I'll. [00:39:40] Speaker A: We'll figure that out and we'll give it to the audience. But, but that's. That's fine. We'll. We'll discuss that. Not a problem. But thank you again, Jeff. Is there anything else you want to share, Jared? [00:39:50] Speaker C: No, just. [00:39:51] Speaker B: Yes. Want to thank Jeff again. It's been. Been really interesting and I think it's been, you know, would have been really valuable for the Listers as well, too. [00:39:57] Speaker C: So. Yeah. So thanks, Jeff. My pleasure, mate. My pleasure, indeed. [00:40:01] Speaker A: Well, guys, that's it from us. Thank you again for the. For tuning in. If you have found today's podcast insightful, get in touch with Jeff. And if you feel that we can help you as a consultancy, you feel like you are in a position where you're stuck in business or you need more business, more sales, more leads through the door, all you need to do is contact us, and that is through our website, www.timelesscreative.com. boardroom. Thanks again for tuning in and see you next time. You've been listening to the Brand Alchemy podcast with your hosts, Jared Asher and Jared Break. For more information or to request your spot as a guest speaker, go to www.timelesscreative.com.

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